I have surveyed some of the top-performing students in my classes over the past twenty years. Here are the top five reasons for consistently being successful in your classes. Feel free to add yours in the comments.

  • Be motivated and show interest – If you hate the course, you will likely not do well. There is a reason why every course is included in your curriculum. You need this course to be successful in your career. Try to learn the topics; you will like/love the course (or at least some aspect of it), and your grades will improve.
  • Make use of office hours—Don’t shy away from asking for help when needed. Visit the instructor during office hours. Problems that will take you hours to solve will be solved in minutes if you seek help.
  • Time Management — Manage your time wisely. Stay focused, don’t multitask, and don’t procrastinate. Avoid last-minute studying.
  • Read the book and Review Regularly—Plan to review the course material, including the book, regularly once a day or once every two days, even if it is as little ass. This attitude will help you be successful not only in the course of 15 to 30 minutes but also in your career.
  • Take care of your health—It is important to be healthy, especially around exam time. If you are sick, no matter how much, you are very likely not prepared to do well. 
  • One more Bonus Tip: Make a study group!

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